
What are the delivery charges?

Free delivery on orders over $75. For orders under 75$, shipping costs depend on your shipping location.

Delivery charges are not included in the price of the product and are communicated to you at checkout, before you confirm your order.

How long does delivery take?

Our delivery times are : 

Place of dispatch Total delivery time
(including processing time)
QC / ON  2 - 5 working days
AB / BC / PE / MB / NB / NS / SK / NL / NU / NT / YT 3 - 7 working days

We have chosen ICS Courier as our primary carrier to offer the most efficient delivery service to our customers. ICS drivers do not have access to P.O. Boxes. A physical address is required before we can deliver.

After placing your order, you will receive a shipping confirmation with your tracking number. If you have not received your order after 10 days, please contact ICS Courier to check if the package has been lost or stolen.

Nuxe Canada will not be held responsible for the loss, theft or damage of items in transit. 

Where do we deliver?

We ship to Canada only.